
Increasing Collaborative Development With Ai

Increasing Collaborative Development With Ai

Increasing collaboratve development with AI Christopher Harrison, Senior Developer Advocate, GitHub Kevin Alwell, Director Solutons Engineering FSI & HLC, GitHub WRITTEN BY GITHUB WITH Table of contents Innersource and developer collaboraton 4 in the SLDC AI-powered world of innersource The challenges of today’s innersource

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  • How generatve AI is already making waves 6 Our vision for innersource backed by generatve AI 7 An improved innersource architecture model 10 What you can do to today to prepare for a new, 12 WRIT TEN BY GITHUB WITH PAGE — 3 GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. The platform empowers developers to contribute to the open source community, build proprietary software, secure code, ship it anywhere, and leverage generatve AI to accelerate software development. In July of 2022, GitHub made GitHub Copilot generally available: This tool is an AI pair programmer that assists developers in building performant software more quickly while optmizing for their happiness. Below, we’ll discuss how generatve AI tools, like GitHub Copilot, are supercharging dev teams and making collaboratve practces like innersource even more efectve. WRIT TEN BY GITHUB WITH PAGE — 4 Innersource and developer collaboraton A cornerstone of developer collaboraton is the practce of innersource, which centers around bringing the methodologies, learnings, and collaboratve spirit from open source into internal development. One of its key components is encouraging developers to explore and build upon existng solutons from within the organizaton rather than defaultng to building from scratch. This saves tme and energy, propagates best practces, creates consistency in organizaton code, and ultmately allows developers to innovate and do their best work, together. Core to innersource is developers searching for and discovering existng libraries, and contributng to projects maintained by other teams. Unfortunately, the barriers around determining what’s available and how to use it, and how best to incorporate new code into unfamiliar codebases, can be difcult and tme-consuming. As a result, many organizatons don’t realize the full set of benefts innersource has to ofer. Teams remain siloed and collaboraton is stfed. We’ll dive into these challenges below and discuss how implementng AI tools can help developers overcome them. Finally, we’ll show you what you can do now to prepare your organizaton for innersourcing with GitHub Copilot and further AI-powered capabilites that will take your innersource program to the next level.

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